Oct 30, 2020

Never Again

 My Mom told me that her mother, my grandmother had always wanted to see Europe.  My grandfather on the other hand did not feel the same.  Understandably, as he seen the worst of what Europe had to offer.  I couldn't imagine seeing what he seen.  What anybody had seen during the War.  My grandfather has pics of some blown up buildings some not, I find all of them absolutely wonderful. I don't know why but I find a certain beauty and sadness in every one of the pictures. They all have a story behind them, I don't know the exact story but I get a glimpse of what the story was. I still am amazed at how lucky I am to be here because of him.  How lucky WE ALL are because of ALL the BRAVE MEN & WOMEN of WWII! Thank you ALL, for your service!! May you never be forgotten!! 

Oct 29, 2020

Blown Gasket

 Well I thought I would post some more pics. I hope these are available if people search for military pics. I think I will google search them myself after I post this. 😉  So I have been asking around and I'm thinking my grandfather was in the 1st army. Makes sense from the patches I have...I think. So many different companies, battalions, groups, corps, units...it goes on and on! It can be so much sometimes it feels like my brain is in overdrive and about to blow a gasket!! Here is what I know...he was in the Third signal corps in the Washington Guard. from there...I don't know what was next but I have an Amphibious Assault Landing(?) patch.  I have a patch of the Sixth Army had one of the X corps but I do believe that was his brothers. I do have a crap load of his papers that I requested from NARA or wherever it was. The only thing is, it doesn't really tell me what unit he was in for the wars. Ughh...so I go off the clues that I gathered from those papers. Like the unit he was in before he left over seas for war...but that didn't help me. I just hope one day I'll get somebody to see my post and offer to help! Lol..wishful thinking right!? Well here are some more pics. Enjoy!