Jan 27, 2020

Maine Station USA & A.F.R.S. December 19, 1947

Lewiston, Maine 
pic by the Lewiston Sun-Journal
You would think it would be easy to find info about this pic. I did. Boy was I WRONG!! I have NO idea why this picture was taken. And it is bugging the crap out of me!! I have tried the Sun-Journal...nothing, the historical society (a few)....nothing! Libraries and a few other people and places ALL NOTHING!! Ughh...I need somebody to happen to see this post and know something about it and that's NOT gonna happen either! I guess I'll keep trying and hoping for a miracle!! 

UPDATE I have finally got the info on why the picture was taken!

I believe the above explains the reason the picture was taken.
Credit goes to University Of Southern Maine
Recommended citation Louis-Philippe Gagné Papers, Franco-American Collection, University of Southern Maine Libraries.

Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/fac-lpg-1947-10-12